
Growing Wandering Jew Plants - How To Grow Wandering Jew Plants

Growing Wandering Jew Plants - How To Grow Wandering Jew Plants

Wandering jew plant care requires bright, indirect light. If the light is too dim, the leaf markings will fade. Keep the soil slightly moist, but don't water directly into the crown as this will cause an unsightly rot in your wandering jew plant.

  1. How do you grow a Wandering Jew plant?
  2. Does Wandering Jew like sun or shade?
  3. Do Wandering Jew plants grow fast?
  4. Why Is My Wandering Jew so leggy?

How do you grow a Wandering Jew plant?

Wandering jew propagation is easily done from stem cuttings. Remove all but a few leaves off of the stem cuttings and then place them in a smaller pot with moist potting soil in a warm, bright area. You'll start seeing new shoots growing after 1-1.5 months.

Does Wandering Jew like sun or shade?

Wandering jew plant should be planted in shade to partial sun (indirect sunlight) either in hanging baskets or in the ground in the spring. You may either use a start from the local nursery or a cutting from an existing wandering jew plant. Wandering jew will do best in rich soil with good drainage.

Do Wandering Jew plants grow fast?

Pruning. Wandering Jew plants require regular pruning. The plant grows quickly, and if you don't prune, then it can overtake the pot fast.

Why Is My Wandering Jew so leggy?

Weak, leggy growth – This is very common during the winter months, and is caused by a lack of light. Check the location of your wandering jew to ensure it's getting the right amount of sun, or add a grow light.

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